_Welcome, fellow traveler, to Feature Creep, an online anthology of |Hypermodern Horror| media. Horror is used here in the broadest possible sense, including any work which deals with fear, anxiety, apprehension, depression, dissociation, body horror, climate horror, gore, camp terror, existensial dread or anything else which explores or meditates upon the profound unease inherent to the contemporary world.

_The works found within are likewise diverse in medium, including video, audio, illustration, narrative, essay, interactive media, music, games, ARGs, social media projects, new media, web art and anything else which exists within or can be adapted to an online format.

_The purpose of this archive is to create an accessible, non-commercial online space which can serve as a landing point for the broadening genre of Hypermodern Horror, as well as to create a community for both experienced and emerging creators whose work deals with the description defying dread of late Capitalism, technology, posthumanism, social isolation, climate deformation, hyperconnectivity, information overload, future shock, inescapable precarity, or any of the other pathologies of the world as it now exists.

_So come aboard This Spaceship Dread, and wave goodbye to the vanishing blue dot of home as we explore the outermost reaches of what this world has wrought, writ large upon the uncanny not-quite-black of our sleeping screens.

_Welcome, once again, to Feature Creep.