> Work
> Current Work
Feature Creep
Holding Pattern
Form Submission
A Life Of Sundays
Precarity Sketch #7
> Works In Progress
Simple eMotion
Second Nature
Make Right
> Past Work
Global Translation
Precarity Triptych
Embedded Script
> Abandoned Works
Corporate Entity
> About
> Contact
> CC
About This Site
embeddedscript.net is the online development and exhibition space of New Media artist Richard Williams. Used as a site for experimentation, and as a platform for works which exist online actively, it hosts the existing and in-progress projects of the artist, as well as a selection of past and abandoned / failed works from their practice. To learn more about the artist, please read below.
About The Artist
Richard Williams is a contemporary, New Media artist operating out of Toronto. His practice is centred around Global Capitalism, looking specifically at themes such as precarity, Neoliberal ideology, capitalist intersections with information technology, and the evolving ways in which time and place are understood in a globalized world. His work often takes on the form of active processes, making use of existing infrastructures to either expand or frustrate viewers' understandings of the systems they interact with. Drawing heavily upon contemporary theory as the backbone to his work, he makes use of both digital and physical systems with a focus in conceptually driven web art and site-dependent installation.
More recently, he has begun to expand his practice to include works which address his own experiences with economic precarity.
This Website, and all of its contents, is protected under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0 International License.
For more information on Creative Commons, please visit creativecommons.org

Please send any inquiries to:
Holding Pattern
Taking the form of downloadable .psd files, Holding Pattern (no.2) is a six-part desktop installation piece which explores Crisis Capitalism, as well as some of its particular effects on our relationship to imagery, infrastructure and the internet in the post-9/11 landscape.
To view the work click here
_remind_me_tomorrow is a platform dependent essay, hosted on Instagram, which deals with the ways that The Digital has been made precarious over the past several decades, conforming to and being co-opted by Neoliberal Capitalism.
You can view the work here
For a recommended starting point click here
Simple eMotion
Simple eMotion is a work-in-progress which breaks down stock videos of actors performing simple facial expressions, frame by frame, in order to explore not only the evolving nature and mechanisms of the ‘moving image,’ but also the hidden systems, labours and traumas that exist between the frames of the Neoliberal world.
To view a demo of the work click here
Second Nature
Inspired heavily by Myst, as well as earlier, text-based adventure games, Second Nature is a work-in-progress which makes use of the game platform Twine. Where Myst has the User explore an unsettling, Post-Modern landscape, Second Nature instead drops them in a labyrinth of the non-places and any-places-whatever of the Hypermodern.
To view a teaser for the work click here
Form Submission
Form Submission is an interactive web-art piece, which uses a network of online forms and automated emails to explore the unique ways that digital bureaucracy not only serves as a Neoliberal control mechanism, but also renders its users abject through the continual quantification and (re)adjustment of their identity.
To view the work click here
Global Translation
Global Translation remixes a piece of media by breaking it down and disseminating it through a global network of email servers, letting it be shaped by both machine-made algorithms and the physical limitations of communications infrastructure. The end results reveal the influences of those systems on the things which move through them.
To view the work click here
Haiga.NET is a sometimes comical, sometimes seriousess collection of web-based poetry, in the Haiku style, blended with digital imagery. This combination of Haiku and image is sometimes referred to as Haiga. Where traditional Haiku is rooted in references to nature, Haiga.NET instead references Second Nature, the world as it has been (re)created under Global Capitalism.
To view the work click here
Precarity Triptych
Precarity Triptych was a three-part New Media work which looked at the idea of precarity not through the lens of scarcity, but rather overproduction.
Many of the original components of the work, both physical and digital, have been rendered unusable since its initial exhibition.
To view what remains of the work click here
Embedded Script
Embedded Script, before it was taken as the name of this site, was the title of my graduate thesis exhibition in 2016. My work at the time was just starting to delve into Neoliberal Capitalism, and was mostly investigating the ways that Globalization has changed relationships to time, place and technology.
To view documentation of the work click here
Corporate Entity
Corporate Entity was a work which used clippings from corporately owned plants as the focus of a discussion on post and peri-Capitalist reclamation.
To view the incomplete work, and learn more about why it was abandoned, click here
______m2 (pronounced ‘Blank Meters Squared’) was a guerilla installation work which attempted to reclaim several of the more banal tools of state and corporate control, while also highlighting the ways that public space and time are routinely co-opted by those forces.
To view the incomplete work, and learn more about why it was abandoned, click here
A Life Of Sundays
A Life Of Sundays is a simple web art piece, inspired by the phrase ‘Leave it All Behind for a Life of Sundays,’ which I first encountered as a t-shirt slogan. Specifically, the work looks at how the idea of a ‘Life of Sundays,’ despite its apparent intent, both feeds into and is simultaneously negated by the current state of Neoliberal Capitalism.
To view the work click here
Make Right
Make Right is a work-in-progrss which will use workers' own accounts to explore the ways in which workplace harm (whether that harm be physical, mental, racial, etc.) is obscured and erased, even in instances where the situation has ostensibly been resolved in the worker’s favour.
To view a low-rez demo of the work click here
To view the full background text click here
Precarity Sketch #7
Precarity Sketch #7 (aka ‘Coin Dynamics’) is part of an ongoing series of digital sketches, all on the theme of precarity.
Sketch #7 uses a modified stock video to express the common contemporary state of being just on the brink of a collapse that one can neither recede from nor succumb to.
To view the work click here
Feature Creep
Feature Creep is an online anthology of Hypermodern Horror media. Making use of the term horror in its broadest sense, it is a collection of art and writing which explores aspects of our hypermodern present, and which includes both artworks and writing by many talented contributors.
To view the work click here